There is an enormous amount of concrete all over the world. One aspect is that it means the removal of trees and the loss of farm land. But another is revelation of the enormous amounts of raw materials for concrete. the beginning...God planned for our future. He made raw materials for something people would learn to use many thousands of years after their making. And he made enough for all the creative ways we would use the materials. And then there are radio waves, which we would learn to use. And who knows what else lies in our universe that we have not even dreamed of, but will be useful to people who live long after us.
God is really smart. He not only makes what is needed for the moment -- all manner of fruits and plants for the young couple in the Garden to eat and use -- but for all the long future of mankind before He decides the time is finished. That's why the marveling Paul of Tarsus writes that in Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden (Col. 2:3) and in Christ all things hold together (Col. 1:17).
And there are a lot of other things to marvel at, not to mention the people whom God has transformed into the image of his Son.