Saturday, February 7, 2015

Genesis and Science

I make it a point to check out what is happening in scientific circles, not just because I like science but also to relate it to the Bible.  I think it is amazing how often Genesis comes out right.  The latest example is the news from Planck (check that out -- it's wonderful science!) - that their observations change the date stars were formed AFTER the Big Bang (which starts an expansion in which the universe as we know it is formed, grows and builds up into galaxies, stars, planets, comets and so on).

They have known this for years, but the dating hasn't been clear.  Now they have been able to study the Cosmic Microwave Background in the universe (an "afterglow" that still washes across the universe).  This confirmation fits well with Genesis, which states that God began work on creation with the making of space, earth, light....and not until the "4th day" does God make the stars.  Who can tell how long God held the earth and its newly created couple in stasis, with an "envelope" of protection and air, before creating the rest of the universe.

This leaves a great deal of temporal room for growth of species and the aging of the earth, for a woman to be born who would be Cain's wife, for the emergence of "species" of humans who would eventually give way to the progeny of the created couple, leaving only humans as we know them.

I like Genesis. I like the creation story.  It puts life as we know it in a context easily understood. And I still like science.
A picture from Planck that may be star formation.