Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Think

Watching the snow pile up and thinking of deeper things. What a creation water is! Made of relatively simple and common atomic structures, water is itself fairly simple molecular structure. Maybe that accounts for the incredible flexibility from ice to liquid to vapor in the cloud. There are so many forms of water, and all are beautiful in their own ways. Perhaps snow is the most amazing, though Crater Lake has its charm.
God knew we would enjoy all the forms of water. And that means He had our enjoyment in mind as well as the utility of water's functions. And that makes we appreciate Him all the more.

Winter Wonderland

Yes, we are at Fort Worth/Dallas! It continues to snow today. We stood outside and watched the biggest flakes I have ever seen, and it was wonderful. Of course, we lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 20 years and only saw it snowing once. And the last 18 years in Nairobi we have NOT seen it snow! So for us this is just great, and this afternoon when granddaughters come from school, we'll play in it and make snow ice cream and have lots of fun. The pic is of the house we are having built for our happy use when we are in the USA. Our hearts are in Nairobi with street kids, but being here with family and friends is also our joy. Let it snow!