Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Days of Stress

We have always lived with stress. Some of it is good, for it helps us be focused and alert. But there has always been stress that hurts the heart and the soul, the kind that makes us be unkind to those we love and eventually damages our bodies.

My stress used to be about what others thought of me, or about getting my work done satisfactorily. Nowadays it most often has to do with computers and the internet. When you are using a computer, a cell phone, a local internet service, and the world wide web -- there are many things that can go wrong. I often start thinking it is me, or that the world is arrayed against me, and stress levels go up.

With me that's especially bad, because sugar levels go up with the stress. And my stress levels affect Darlene as well.

So...what to do? Breathe deeply, remember that everybody out there wants it to work well not just me, thing of good things, mentally relax my body and feelings -- lots of good things to try, but it isn't easy. I know a couple of preachers who have never gotten involved with computers; they don't have this stress. That's one answer, but the days of cell phones and the internet have made life so much better for communication and for feeling as if we are in touch.

What do you do when stress levels get too high? Write me at crc@swiftkenya.com if you have found a good answer when sitting at the computer!

have a stress-free day,

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