Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Visitors to Made in the Streets

We love having visitors at Made in the Streets. We love introducing street kids to visitors, giving our kids a chance to interact with all kinds of people. For two days Dr. Don Moore from the Otter Creek Church and Vanderbilt University has been with us. He talked about medical issues and answered questions from both our Team and kids, and the kids had lots of questions. He endeared himself most to them when he presented them with a soccer ball from his son.

Yesterday Greg Clodfelter, who works in Nyeri, showed up about 5 PM with David Roland and Keith Pilcher of Knoxville, Tennessee. They rode a matatu (our local transport, famed for its disrespect of the law and crowded conditions) from Nyeri. Four of our girls saw them as they arrived and directed them to our house. They enjoyed talking to the 4 girls, whom they said were quite talkative. That shows how much confidence kids gain from being at MITS. It was really great to have David ask us, "If I went back home and told my elders what you need here, what would you say?" That was great! So we told
him that 1) we need a hairdressing teacher, and we need to fund that teacher for a couple of years (and we could use someone here a few weeks from the US to train someone. And we said 2) we need a pre-school teacher, again with funding for a couple of years, since our single moms will need a place for the kids to be while they do skills training. Each of those is about $125 a month, in case a reader is interested. Donate online (see or send to Made in the Streets, 409 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027. We also told
David that we feel a need to send our Team on a retreat two times a year, since we are a 24/7/365 enterprise. It costs about $1,200 for a retreat, unless we do something really special such as flying to the coast and staying at a resort, which costs about $325 a Team member.

some of the men on the MITS Team

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