Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Prayers and Strengths

We sent one of our students at Made in the Streets - Charles Kimani - to Malindi on the coast of Kenya this week to a medical clinic organized by Dr. John Bailey of BandS Ministries at a hospital there. He has a mass under his shoulder blade, and the doctor concluded, after looking at X-rays, that it needed to come out. But when they began surgery, they discovered that it is inoperable, and life-threatening either way. We will get further word about prognosis and what Charles can do. I announced it to the Team and kids in chapel today, and talked to them about the event with the young boy where Jesus said, "This kind comes out only through prayer." We broke up into groups of 7 or 8 and prayed for Charles, asking God to dowhat we cannot do, believing that He is able and asking that His will be done. So we invite those who love us and the street ministry to pray for Charles as well. More later. The pictures are of Charles when still on the streets and another a few months ago at MITS.

I also need you to pray for me. My diabetes is a tough case, and I have had a difficult time lately with sugar level. My body acts as it wants to, producing much more sugar than it needs or can take care of. It seems to jump up and down, depending on the stress level and on what I eat. I have needed help all my life with everything I try to do, and this is no exception. So please ask God to help me.

Otherwise, we are well. Darlene is with the Team and Kelly Davidson right now continuing the "strengthsFinder" seminar that Kelly has done with the Team. Today they are talking about how different strengths fit together, running scenarios on who would be asked to handle certain situations among the kids and Team and the ministry, and continuing to encourage the Team to use their strengths on behalf of God's work, develop their strong points even further, and mesh together as a Team. This is more in our ongoing plan to develop high leadership functioning in our Team.

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