Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life is Good for us...

I can't say that everything goes exactly the way I want...I can't say that Made in the Streets is always successful with kids from the streets....but I can say that we like where we are and what we are doing. Who would have thought it?

Here is a pic of several of the guys among our students...Darlene and I had three groups of these former street kids over to the house...for popcorn, peanuts, chocolate cake, caffe latte (I am the barista)...and conversation!  We had a great time with them all -- so polite, group of 12 guys ate a kilo of popcorn.

And here is the wedding of Caroline Wanjiku to Kelvin...whoever that is...actually he's a good guy, but she is ours!  She asked me to officiate at her wedding...normally we try to not to be at weddings -- they start very late and they go long -- but this was our joy!  Kelvin is a youth minister and Caro fits right in to that life.  She is still a hairdresser, and she is still ours!

And this is the church at Kamulu. We love being part of this family. to Jesus...I get to teach a Sunday morning class on whatever Francis is preaching on (we plan series together)...this also is OURS!

And here are some of our students doing a drama during worship time. It's about what Jesus says in Matthew 21:42-43, "The stone the builders rejected has become the most important stone." These kids have been rejected, and they dream that God will make them into something special.  And they are OURS!

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