Friday, December 14, 2007

Of Pain and Joy

No matter how old we get, it still brings us pain when our kids are hurt. We go so far as to ask God to give us the hurt instead. I went to the hospital yesterday afternoon to see the daughter, recovering from back surgery. I hate having to think about all the pain she has endured in the past few years, and I would gladly take all of it to spare her. Maybe she will come home today, with about 6 weeks of recovery, for the pain to go away and for renewal of her strength. The doctor thinks the little steel disc is sitting exactly right, and he is hopeful that completely recovery of the spinal column is possible. As I looked at the x-ray the doctor brought in and listened to him talk to the daughter, I felt joy. Joy that my child would be okay.

It makes me conscious of all the kids in the world who are not okay today. The kids sleeping on the streets right now in Eastleigh, Nairobi, since it is nighttime there. The kids in Iraq on any street, the kids near that marketplace in Mogadishu, the kids in any school where bullying and fear reign - let's together ask God for his powerful beam of light to rest on those kids for their good.

There is a God in heaven, there is a God who owns the earth and all in it, there is a God who secures the future. So joy will not die, will not be defeated, will not dim in the presence of pain. Count on it!


1 comment:

gloria christine said...

I'm glad to hear that Brenda's surgery went well! I pray her recovery goes well!

- Gloria