Thursday, January 3, 2008

Unrest in Kenya

We are sad at any event that creates more trouble for street kids. The unrest at the end of the election in Kenya has led to local riots in several places in Kenya. We are grateful that our center in Kamulu (at the eastern edge of Nairobi, 20 miles from downtown) is isolated enough that there is little likelihood of problems there. What our street kids worry about are their relatives who are in Huruma or Mathare Valley.

It hurts me that Darlene and I are not in Nairobi to go through this with our Team and kids. We love them very much. Life is short, humans are like grass, but our lives mean something when we risk ourselves in order to do good and to work God's will. We know that God wants the street ministry, that it fulfills what Jesus appreciates and wants in the world, and that there are kids on the streets whom God is calling to himself.

God can be trusted to have us in his plan. God can be trusted to keep our hearts and souls safe in Jesus. God can be trusted. So we have peace in this New Year.

Be blessed in the New Year,

charles and darlene

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