Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas is Coming - Happy Thanksgiving

We are only thinking about Thanksgiving because we are thinking about people who will read the blog.  If you mention Thanksgiving in Kenya, you get a blank look.  But I can tell that Christmas is coming.  For one thing, Darlene has her mind on it.  There is a stocking hanging close to my desk, and a small Christmas tree set up in the living room.  And I can tell out on the highway too, that it is near the end of the month and that Christmas is coming.  In the newspaper today is a short article noting that passengers in public transport are unhappy that there are 8 police checks in a 10 kilometer stretch on the Mombasa highway.  And driving into town this week we went through 3 checks in about 3 miles.  

If you have a little extra money as you go out to buy Christmas presents, you could send it to Made in the Streets, 409 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN, 37027, so we can give a very merry Christmas to our street kids at Eastleigh and Kamulu.  Thanks!  

We are very busy at Made in the Streets -- building the new "First Steps" building for nursery school kids, finishing renovation at the girls' center, getting ready to open the cooking school in our skills training (the Connor Brown building at the 20 acres), preparing school uniforms in our tailoring and opening the new shop to sell uniforms, planning for the December time with our students at Kamulu, getting end of year taxes and land rates paid, searching for new street kids to admit to the Kamulu program, helping several students exit from MITS into jobs and housing in Nairobi, and the daily life of English, Bible and Math classes, building up the farm and learning how to relate to one another and prepare for a successful life.  

And it is all good -- what a blessing to have these young people in our lives and to encourage them to grow and become strong and beautiful and confident in the Lord. 

1 comment:

michelle said...

You and Darlene and all of MITS will be at the top of our list of what we are thankful for. Bless you both! Michelle