Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tomorrow the Coulstons go back to Nairobi for another rotation of 3 months. This is turning out very well. The Kenyan Team administers and operates the ministry. And we still advise them in planning, provide growth opportunities for them and keep them focused on the task.

Today in church in Thousand Oaks we sang "Peace, Perfect Peace," a song we remember from childhood in the church. It has fresh meaning for us now, as we say goodbye to family and as we work with children in desperate conditions.

"The blood of Jesus whispers peace" -- life is not peaceful for children who are beaten harshly by angry, alcoholic, poor and frustrated parents/uncles/grandparents/older is not peaceful for children trying to sleep tonight in an alleyway, in danger from authorities, from other street kids, from those who wander the night and prey on kids. And it was not peaceful for Jesus when he shed his blood. And does whisper peace.

"To do the will of Jesus - this is rest." We know the truth of this. Even when doing his will means going into garbage, into risk, into troubled hearts. Even when there isn't a day off. Even when the work is 24/7. Knowing that it is what He wants done -- that makes it rest!

"With loved ones far away..we are safe, and they." When we first went to Kenya, we wouldn't come back for 2 years or more, and many missionaries have stayed away for 5 years or 10 in the past. Soldiers do this too. With modern travel, we are never more than 2 days away now. The rub is what "safe" means -- none of us is in charge of future events, nor do we know what may happen to us or our loved ones. The world has its own dangers and diseases. And yet...we are safe, and they. For He holds our hearts, our souls, our minds - all - in his Hands and his Heart.

"Our future all unknown." We do know some of the future. We know that all the future belongs to Jesus -- the was and the is and the will be. And so..

"It is enough." Right now, in the midst of our commitments and desires and belongings -- Jesus "calls us to heaven's perfect peace."

We'll be busy October to December. We'll help John Wambu get the Eastleigh property ready for the street mothers' program. We'll help Jackton Omondi get the sewing factory off the ground. We'll help Ben Mwami and Benard Nyambura get the orchard completed. We'll help the Team plan the parameters of the street mothers' program and set policies. Charles will teach the adult Sunday school class, and he will teach a course called "The Ephesian Connection" in Mbale, Uganda, to the church leaders' training school. Darlene will work on the sewing patterns with Jackton and continue to encourage Valerie and Philip in the teaching program. She will also read Francine Rivers' book series on Bible women to the girls in their dorm.

Be blessed...thanks for reading...

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